溶菌酶 来源于鸡蛋白(纯化,无盐), ≥8,000 units/mg dry weight
【编号】:128641 【产品名称】:溶菌酶 来源于鸡蛋白(纯化,无盐), ≥8,000 units/mg dry weight 【规格】:1g 【用途】: ![]() 溶菌酶 来源于鸡蛋白(纯化,无盐), ≥8,000 units/mg dry weight
Product Name: Lysozyme from chicken egg white(Purified,Salt Free)
别名:粘肽 N-乙酰胞壁质水解酶;胞壁质酶
介绍: Lysozyme preferentially hydrolyzes the β-1,4 glycosidic linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine which occur in the mucopeptide cell wall structure of certain microorganisms, such as Micrococcus lysodeikticus . A slightly more limited activity is exhibited toward chitin oligomers. It has a molecular weight of 14,388 daltons. Optimum pH is 9.2. Lysozyme is inhibited by surface active agents such as dodecyl sulfate, alcohol and fatty acids. Imidazole and indole derivatives form inhibitory charged transfer complexes.
用途: 酶分解细菌的细胞壁;用于制备原生质球。
贮存: 储存温度2-8℃
生化和生理学机理: 溶菌酶水解肽聚糖中 N-乙酰胞壁酸和 N-乙酰基-D-葡糖胺残基间的 β(1→4) 键以及壳糊精中 N-乙酰基-D-葡糖胺残基间的 β(1→4)键。革兰氏阳性细胞对该水解作用非常敏感,因为它们的细胞壁含有较高比例的肽聚糖。由于存在外膜以及比例较低的肽聚糖,革兰氏阴性细菌对该水解作用不太敏感。然而,细菌外膜中如果存在与金属离子螯合的 EDTA,那么这些细胞也可能被水解。 该酶在较宽的 pH 范围(6.0 到 9.0)内具有活性。与 pH 为 9.2 时相比,pH 为 6.2 时可在更广的离子强度(0.02 到 0.100M)范围内观察到最大活性。
上一篇:溶菌酶 来源于鸡蛋白, ≥5,000 units/mg dry weight | 下一篇:神经氨酸酶 来源于产气荚膜梭菌(纯化), ≥10 units/mg protein |
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