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  【规格】:100 MG

Catalogue Code     Y0001896     
Name     Oxytetracycline CRS     Batches
Current batch number     9     

Unit quantity per vial     100 MG     
Number of vials per sales unit     1     
Used in monograph(s)     0198, 0199     
Assigned content     See Leaflet     
Additional information     This reference standard is suitable for use with monographs 01/2017:0199
and 01/2017:0198.     
Leaflet     click to download the leaflet     
Chemical hazard     none identified     
Biological hazard     none identified     
SDS Product Code         
CAS Registry Number     79-57-2     
Origin     click to download Origin Of Goods.pdf     
Proposed Import HS code     294130     
EDQM long term storage conditions     +5°C+/-3°C     
Dispatching conditions     Ambient temp.     
UN Code     Not classified
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