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Phenoxymethylpenicillin for system suitability CRS

  【产品名称】:Phenoxymethylpenicillin for system suitability CRS

  【规格】:25 MG

Catalogue Code     Y0001868     
Name     Phenoxymethylpenicillin for system suitability CRS     Batches
Current batch number     1     

Unit quantity per vial     25 MG     
Number of vials per sales unit     1     
Used in monograph(s)     0148,0149     
Assigned content     See Leaflet     
Additional information         
Leaflet     click to download the leaflet     
Chemical hazard     none identified     
Biological hazard     none identified     
SDS Product Code         
CAS Registry Number     87-08-1     
Origin     click to download Origin Of Goods.pdf     
Proposed Import HS code     294110     
EDQM long term storage conditions     +5°C+/-3°C     
Dispatching conditions     Ambient temp.     
UN Code     Not classified     
Shipping group     A1A
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